Spirit Light Healing & Reconnection®
www.spiritlighthealing.com 928-301-6298
How do you to choose an Energy Healer?
"Reconnective Healing is poised to become "The Leading Energy Medicine Healing Modality of The Future"
To experience the highest level of professional caliber, energy healing available, only choose a "Foundational Practitioner" (formerly Level II) or a "Reconnection® Certified Practitioner" (formerly Level III) Energy healer. JP is one of only very few Reconnection® Certified practitioners offering this work in Arizona.
The spiritual healing community so far is unregulated. With so many different energy healers available, how do you know who is properly credentialed, competent, effective and real?
You need to know that the Reconnection® is poised to become "The Leading Energy Medicine Healing Modality" of the future.
All Reconnection practitioners-energy healers have been required to upgrade their skills by attending special renewal seminars, to learn about new information, to refine and standardize their knowledge and techniques in working with the energy healing frequencies, so as to truly be able to offer the only "Professional Grade Energy Healers" to the public.
Practitioners who updated their skills have earned the new title of "Foundational Practitioner of Reconnective Healing®" and are fully qualified to offer "Reconnective Healing®" to the public.
Level III practitioners also had to pass a test to recertify and earn the new Title of "Reconnection Certified Practitioner®" and are the only ones who fully qualified to offer "ThePersonal Reconnection®" to the public.
"Reconnection® Certified Practitioners" now have to pass a test and re-certify every two years, to ensure that the level of proficiency of these energy healers remains at the highest professional standards. As far as I know, no other energy healing modality on this planet has these rigorous requirements to assure the public of the competence, professionalism and effectiveness of qualified Reconnection Energy healers.
Please be aware that, unfortunately, many prior Reconnection practitioners chose not to upgrade to these new, higher levels of skill and effectiveness.
Since January 1st, 2016, all Reconnective practitioners who have not obtained the new professional designations will not be recognized to be in good standing. While they may continue offer their services to friends and family, they SHOULD NOT offer services to the public, as they are not able to offer the full range of professional caliber skills & frequencies now available.
Any personal "Reconnection" that is not performed by a "Reconnection® Certified" practitioner will not be considered valid by the organization, and you will have to pay to have it performed again, should you wish to learn how to do this healing work.
So, in a nutshell, you should only consider going to a "Foundational Practitioner" or a Reconnection® Certified Practitioner" for your healing sessions or your "Personal Reconnection®" in order to receive the full & complete work.
Giampaolo (JP) Lomeo is a Reconnection® Certified Practitioner R.C.P., a Foundational Practitioner and an Omni-Dimensional Energy Healer. He makes no claims, promises or guarantees and is neither diagnosing nor treating any specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment and care.